Each summer, CERN openlab runs a nine-week programme for bachelor’s and master’s students specialising in subjects related to computer science. These students work on cutting-edge projects with our collaborators, gaining hands-on experience with the latest ICT solutions.
CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web. The laboratory hosts ground-breaking experiments and is at the heart of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). It is an environment like no other, where dizzying ICT challenges abound!
By joining the CERN openlab summer-student programme, you will work with some of the latest hardware and software technologies and see how advanced ICT solutions are used in high-energy physics. You will have the opportunity to attend a series of lectures developed for the CERN openlab summer students, given by experts on advanced CERN-related topics. The on-site summer-student programme also includes visits tothe CERN facilities and experiments, as well as to other research laboratories and companies.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the usual CERN openlab summer-student programme did not take place in 2020. In its place, a range of exciting online educational activities were prepared. A full list of these (including links to recorded lectures) can be found
Our commitment to education ad training means that we are determined to make sure the 2021 edition of the programme can go ahead. We are reorganising our educational activities so that they will take place fully online, with students working remotely from their homes across the globe. Applications are now open:
The CERN openlab summer-student programme is much more than just a summer spent learning with CERN. It can lead
to follow-on projects in your home institute. It may even inspire you to become an entrepreneur in
cutting-edge computing technologies!