The DAAD along side the University of Oldenburg (Germany) are jointly organising the DIES (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) University Leadership and Management Training Programme (UNILEAD) in Oldenburg, enabling young managers at higher education institutions in developing countries to successfully tackle every-day challenges.
UNILEAD (University Leadership and Management Training Course) is an English-language further education program for University Leaders from Southeast Asia, East and South Africa, Central and South America and the Middle East. The aim of UNILEAD is to support the participants in the development, conception and implementation of innovative projects in the field of personnel and organizational development.
UNILEAD focuses on three key areas:
1. Project Management. This includes courses on Methodology of Project Management and Financial Management in projects.
2. Strategic Management & Academic Leadership. This includes courses of theoretical basics and practical tools for the development and implementation of Strategic Management and acquisition of competences in the area of Leadership.
3. Human Resource Management. This includes courses on Instruments of Human Resource Development, Conflict Management and Communication.
In order to complement these three modules, additional topics, such as Risk Management, Team and Key Competences, and Acting with Confidence, are touched upon. In addition, a web-seminar on the topic of “Digital Transformation in Higher Education” is integrated into the curriculum.
The core of the entire programme is an individual and practice-oriented change project that participants are required to propose in their application.
Application Deadline: 11 October 2021